Student Wellbeing Professional - Social Worker
The purpose of the School Wellbeing Professional (Social Worker) is to provide social-emotional support and address mild to moderate mental health issues.
Students are provided early intervention and preventative mental health supports utilising best practice guidelines and interventions. Where required students benefit from increased access to wellbeing and mental health support at school. Part of the role is also to liaise with parents and provide education where required. Our School Wellbeing Professional will be working at our school each Wednesday and Thursday.
Speech-Language Pathologist
A Speech-Language Pathologist can be accessed at Rockville to target students with speech and language difficulties. While the target group is mainly in the lower school, students in the middle and upper school can also receive support. The aim is to ensure all students have the required pre-literacy skills to enhance reading, writing and spelling.
Spoken language is an essential skill that requires pronunciating and understanding words. Words can be broken down into sequences of sounds and manipulated. Students may be seen by the speech pathologist individually or in small groups depending on their area of difficulty.
Guidance Officer
Our Guidance Officer visits Rockville one day a week. Referrals can be made by staff, parents or carers of children who are experiencing learning or emotional difficulties. At times the Guidance Officer may work with groups of children or with individual children. The Guidance Officer is also available to discuss issues with parents. Before a child is seen by the Guidance Officer, the issue will be discussed with parents and permission sought.